Ranveer Singh has a simple birthday request from Priyanka Chopra, for her to come back to India. The actor made the request while he was replying to her birthday wish for him. For the unversed, Ranveer recently celebrated his birthday. He was showered with wishes from many, including our OG desi girl. Priyanka took to her Instagram Stories and shared a picture from the duo’s film Gunday and wrote, “Happy Birthday Baba @ranveersingh We need more pictures lol.”
Reposting the picture on his Instagram Stories, Ranveer confessed he misses her and wants her back in India. “PC, yaar! Miss you, yaar! Wapis aaja, yaar! Really! Miss your full-power vibe & unmistakable PC energy around here,” he said.
See the post here:
Apart from Gunday, Ranveer and Priyanka have previously worked together on Dil Dhadakne Do and Bajirao Mastani. They share a close bond, often commenting on each other’s posts.
Ranveer Singh is currently enjoying his birthday vacation in Hawaii with his wife and actress Deepika Padukone. The couple also attended singer Shankar Mahadevan’s concert and an event by the Konkani community in the US. Ranveer made headline from the event when he introduced himself as ‘Deepika Padukone’s husband’ and said that he wants to learn Konkani.
On the work front, Ranveer will be seen in ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’ opposite Alia Bhatt. The film, which marks Karan Johar’s return as a director, also includes other big names like Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan, and Shabana Azmi in pivotal roles. The actor also stars in Rohit Shetty’s next titled ‘Cirkus’.
Priyanka Chopra has an OTT drama series ‘Citadel’ in the pipeline. She wrapped the series earlier this year. She also has a project with Mindy Kaling, an adaptation of Shilpi Somaya Gowda’s novel Secret Daughter, Text for You, and Jee Le Zara back in India. The film also stars Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif but the film is reportedly postponed for now.
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